Free PDF Downloader is a very simple and neat application that lets you search for specific documents. It lets you search the documents by the occurrence of specific keywords on their titles. If you enter “water pipe” in the search field, the application will return all documents that have these two terms in their titles, documents such as “How to lay a new water supply pipe.PDF”. It doesn’t only search for specific documents, but once found, it lets you download them or read them online. Though finding them could take a few minutes, downloading them will be performed very quickly, in just a few seconds, regardless of their sizes. Unfortunately, batch downloading multiple files at once is not supported.
Furthermore, it can search for other types of documents besides PDF ones. It can also return results for DOC, XLS, PPT and RTF. For unknown reasons, selecting multiple document types cannot be performed, so you will have to search either only for PDFs, or only for RTFs or other file types, but not more of them at the same time.
Though it has some minor flaws such as the aforementioned ones, Free PDF Downloader is easy-to-use, fast and surprisingly effective. It will find and provide plenty of results for almost anything you search for, and it is also free. In my opinion, it represents a viable solution to obtain the documents you need in a quick and easy manner.
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